Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Centennial Celebration... :)

This 2010-2011, we are celebrating our centennial celebration. Our school, Saint Louis Laboratory, even those who are in elementary and college is joining this celebration. Our staffs and students of different levels are preparing for some activities that are in line with the celebration. Being a Catholic Institute, we must have activities that relates with our religion and Christianity. Each one of us has a part on celebrating the centennial to make it meaningful. This celebration proves that our school can maintain the good values of a true louisian.

How I Use Facebook...

I use facebook for different means. One on it is for communication with other people. I communicate with my friends, family members and other people. Even if they are in different parts of the world, we can still chat with them. Another use is for entertainment. I play with some games in facebook. I use facebook for school purposes like asking my classmates on what is our assignment. I knew more about some people because of facebook. You can show your friends different pictures and videos that you want to share. You can also express you feeling by means of facebook. I think facebook is one of the most best networking sites.